By: Fish Magnet On: May 22, 2016 In: Fishing Adventures Comments: 0


Had that feeling this morning so I decided to try out the GoPro and catch one of these big ones on video. When a nice size striper chases and smacks at your lure it is pretty impressive.

Some knock your lure in the air a few feet then jump on it. Some follow it and swirl behind it and wait til they get close to the boat and crush it.

This one was 29 inches and didn’t do either of those things. It literally collapsed my lure out of nowhere. It looked like someone dropped a car battery on my chartreuse rattling stick out there, then the drag started ripping wide left.

I’m thinking.. did my GoPro catch that? I am now worried about the camera on my head, and steadily try to be overly aware of my camera angle.

I fight this fish, he clears the water, gets close to the boat, pulls away, shaking his head.. National Geographic kind of video footage. Of course the entire time I was filming nothing but the water. and yes I look like Goofy dwarf in this picture.